Thursday, June 07, 2007

¿Injusticias en el mundo editorial?

"Porque nadie es perfecto....
quiero ser excepcional"
--Erika G.

De todo se puede ver en el submundo de los medios de comunicación: mentira, nepotismo, vampirismo intelectual, etc. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las veces logran cubrirlo, maquillarlo demasiado bien, buscando las palabras adecuadas, apelando a la falta de talento (o de dinero), en fin....pero nada más ridículo como lo expresado en una carta a una traductora de un obra sobre los Beatles. He aquí la carta original:


The committee for the Ingram Wholesale Acceptance Program met last week in Nashville, Tennessee. Buyers from Borders, Barnes & Noble and several buyers from Ingram Book Company discussed all titles submitted. A very important part of this program was in scrutinizing the publisher's plan both for publicity and/or advertising, which would drive the sales to Ingram, and what future titles were in the planning stage by each publisher.

Since one of the requisites of this program was that the publisher must reach $20,000 in sales by the end of the second year, many titles, though
good in concept, were deemed unable to reach this sales amount and were not accepted into the program.

Some of the rejected titles had nothing defining to separate them from books that were already out there. The committee looks for uniqueness in each
book. If they are unable to identify it in 2-5 minutes, the book was not accepted.

Unfortunately, your title, Fantasia de Liverpool was not accepted for the Ingram Acceptance Program.

A rejection of your title in this program means that based on this committee's expertise to this portion of the market, your book probably would not see a great deal of success at the general bookstore level.

Your title was discussed in depth and the brief reason for not accepting it to this program is stated below. The comments represent the consensus of the committee, not one person in particular.

Comments: The committee did not understand the connection between the Beatles and the latino community. There is a limited audience for this
title. The committee felt that the title could not likely sell $20,000 at cost net of returns over two years, which is the requirement for this program.

We thank you for participation in this program and wish you good luck in your future marketing plans for your title.


Lisa Krebs
Associate Director
PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association
627 Aviation Way
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Todo se resume a una opinión de un comité que afirma " enteder la relación entre los Beatles y la comunidad latina...", como si para traducir Harry Potter se requiriera que hubiera hechiceros de verdad en México o una gran demanda de libros sobre brujería debido a que los "latinos" somos unos fanáticos de las fuerzas ocultas...Y qué me dicen de los Best Sellers como Stephen King, la importanción de programas como "Las noches de persecución", o la venta de música como el rap, el jazz, el soul, géneros musicales considerados por muchos como netamente "afros"....letras que no corresponden con la realidad mexicana, por dar un ejemplo.
Se ha demostrado, gracias a estaciones de radio como "Universal Stereo" y "Radio 100", que México es uno de los países más consumidores de artículos relacionados con los Beatles....La manera como se plantea la razón para rechazar la publicación del libro"Fantasía de Liverpool" es totalmente absurda y carece de la seriedad esperada por una casa editorial o asociación de editores que presuman de serlo.

Ya es tiempo de apoyar la labor de los traductores!!!!! Que resulta invaluable para los propósitos de venta y proyección de autores de todo el mundo.

Si quieren más información sobre este tema....hagan click en el título de este "post".

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